Do you ever feel like a nobody? In this crazy world where there is so much confusion and chaos these days, it’s easy to get lost In the shuffle. It seems as if you aren’t rich, famous and with the “in” crowd, your life has little or no meaning. You may feel like you are just another number. It’s easy to feel like that these days in the society in which we live. I believe the enemy of our souls uses this to bring people down and cause them to give up before they even begin.
But wait! Take heart my friend! There is someone Who loves you so much that He died to save you; not only for all of eternity, but for today, right here in the here and now, and His name is JESUS! Life, as you know it right now, doesn’t have to be this way. Instead of the mundane life that you may be living right now, it can be exciting and full of purpose, once you take hold of the fact that the God, Who created the universe and flung the stars into space, made and loves you. He knows your name and He has called you to a life of victory in Him!
You may say, “This may be true for others, but not for me. I have done too many bad things in my life. It’s too late for me. Just look at my circumstances! I don’t have a fighting chance!”
Oh no, my friend. You are wrong! Stop listening to the lies of the devil. He knows if he can keep you down and depressed, he has won. Rise up in the strength of the Lord and believe His word. He calls you Beautiful! The very hairs on your head are numbered. He already knows everything you’ve ever done and He still loves you. He is your closest friend. He is your counselor. Nothing you have ever done can keep Him away from you. The only one that can do that is you! Repent today and come to Him. He longs to hear your heartfelt prayer. He knows every thought you think and He is closer than your next heartbeat. He is holding your hand and walking through this very day with you. You are not alone and, Yes, you are precious in His sight.
Sometimes, before we can grasp all of this, there has to be a crushing in our lives. You know what I mean. You have to get so low that the only way to look from here on out, is up. But, just like the fragrance that comes when a beautiful rose is crushed, there is a fragrance in your life, once you put it all in God’s hand. He will refresh your soul and give you joy and beauty for ashes. Today is a new day! You are starting new. Isn’t God’s grace amazing?! None of us deserve it, but that’s what makes it so awesome!
No matter what giants you are facing today, God is bigger than the mountain that is in front of you. You cannot do it in your own strength, but rise up and know that the King of the world is living inside of you. You are well able to walk through this obstacle, and still have the victory!
Rejoice and dare to hope again!! Put your dancing shoes on, because, Oh what a day to celebrate. He knows your name!!