Good Afternoon Beautiful Survivors!
Sometimes, it’s all we can do to hold on for just one more day. If we look at the whole picture, the road in front of us seems too hard. If we just take one day at a time, God will give us the strength we need just for today. Tomorrow isn’t here yet, so fretting and worrying won’t help a thing. In fact, it will drain us of the energy that we have today. Just like God gave manna to the Israelite’s passing through the wilderness on the way to their promised land, one day at a time, He will give us a fresh supply of everything we need with each new day.
It’s in the small steps that we go the furthest. When looking forward, the road seems too long and difficult. In fact, it’s winding and there are so many curves that we really can’t be sure of what’s around the next bend, but they look pretty rough, almost impassable at times. God is our GPS. He may need to recalculate to get us to the desired destination, but it’s all good. He will do it, one day at a time, one step at a time. As we are winding around the most narrow curves, it may look like to some, a death trap, but if we hold tight to His hand, He will never let go of us and He will steady our feet. Don’t dare look back, but if you do, you will be surprised how far you have already come. You will gain a new strength you never knew existed. You will regain the stamina to finish the course and with joy yet!!!
Are you too tired to sit up today? Are you too tired to fling your feet to the side of the bed? God knows your weariness. He promises to never leave your side. He promises to comfort you and strengthen you until you can stand on your own; but for now, He is your strength. Lean hard on Him. He is a strong tower. He is giving you all the strength you need for today. Hold on! I can see a light in the distance. Keep climbing, Beautiful Survivors! You are much further than you think, and the view is beautiful from the top!
I love you guys!