Good Morning Beautiful Survivors!
Did you ever just want to run away for a day? I think running away from the cares of this life crosses all of our minds once in a while, or we wouldn’t be human. I don’t know about you, but I go along pretty good most of the time at an even keel; working, enjoying my family and just loving life, but every once in awhile, I just feel the need to get away for a bit to refresh and renew my mind and my body. Sometimes, I just can’t stand to hear one more bad news report. These are the times that I love to just unplug the computer, log off, turn off my cell phone and just simply sit at Jesus’s feet, basking in His love. These quiet times of reflection usher in His healing balm of Gilead.
Even Jesus needed this time with His Father. He rose early to pray. If He needed to do this, then certainly we do as well. It’s during these times when we shut everything else out that He speaks the loudest in His still small voice. He breaks through the barriers and can really get into the core of our deepest thoughts and prayers. It’s during these times that we grow the most when He has our full attention.
There is a place that we can go to get away from it all, without even going anywhere too far. It is the secret place of the Most High God. It’s a secret place reserved for all who call upon His name. He is our Refuge and our Strength and He is available anytime that you need Him. He will give you a peace that passes all understanding right smack in the middle of chaos. Now, that’s a miracle in itself! He invites you in to find rest. He says to come to Him and He will renew your strength. He says to come to Him if you are thirsty and hungry, and He will fill you up to overflowing. He says that you don’t even need money. He will satisfy that longing in your soul and meet every one of your deepest needs.
Even amidst life’s greatest losses, you will find rest in this secret place. I don’t know what you are going through today. Maybe you are just tired and need a day to regroup and regain your footing to get back in the race again tomorrow, or maybe you’ve suffered a great loss and you don’t know how you can face one more day. Wherever this finds you, know that you are not alone. God has your life in full view and nothing will take place that He doesn’t already know about. He has already gone before you and made a way where there seems to be no way. He is the Glory and Lifter of your head. All of His promises are Yes and Amen. Even if you bathe His feet in your tears, He promises to be there for you and dry your tears. Lift your head, weary one. In His presence is fullness of joy!!!
I love you guys!
I love this old hymn!
When peace like a river attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot,
Thou has taught me to say: