Today I would like to wish you a Happy Easter! What a beautiful sunny day it is here today! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Easter has always been my favorite holiday, even when I was a little girl. My heart still sings as I recall those memories of my early days in Sunday school with that sweet little lady, Mrs. McPherson, my Sunday school teacher. She taught me so much about the bible and the God she knew and loved. She made a lasting impression on my life even to this day. She was a true servant of God. She not only made an impression on my life, but on all of the children who knew her. I remember singing all of the old hymns every Sunday morning and during vacation bible school. Among them were, Jesus Loves Me, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Trust and Obey, He Lives, The Old Rugged Cross and my all time favorite, In the Garden. This song really spoke to my heart. It speaks volumes. Even when times are hectic and chaos is all around me, I can enter in to that quiet place, whether it be a garden or some other place where I can get alone with him, just him and me, and enter into his presence. That’s when you will hear that still small voice. He will walk with me, and talk with me and tell me that I am his own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known!
Who is this Jesus? Many people depict him as weak, puny, helpless and unable to defend himself, or the figment of one’s imagination.
I see him as gentle, but exhibiting so much love in his eyes that can see into the very depth of your soul. He overlooks and forgives past sins and faults. He can speak to your spirit without saying a word. At one glance, you are made whole. I also see him as humble, and a servant. He laid his life down for you. No one can come close to realizing his power. He has all authority to walk into your storm and change everything within a moment. He is the God of all peace. He mends broken hearts, broken dreams, sickness, poverty and loneliness. He is restorer, healer, provider, abounding in mercy favor and grace and full of joy.
He went through suffering no man could endure. It was all undeserved. He was beaten, bruised, spit on, and his flesh was laid open. They placed a crown of thorns on his head that ripped the flesh out of his scalp. He was mocked and made fun of. He was left to die on a cross before God and men in his Midnight Hour. He shed his blood, was crucified, buried and rose again. He conquered death and hell!
It took him three days to rise again. Can you imagine the thoughts and reactions of his family and friends when they realized the tomb was empty early on that first Easter morning? It was just as he said.
When God seems invisible in your life, whether it is three days, or many more, just wait. Hang on a little while longer. He is still working behind the scenes. He has his own timing. His ways are higher than our ways. He is still in control!
I know many people don’t want to hear about the Easter Bunny, coloring eggs and all of the things most of us associate with Easter. I have a little different viewpoint. I truly believe that God knows our hearts and where our affections lie. He knows how much we love him; and I don’t think he cares one bit if we enjoy all of the other things along life’s journey as long as we keep him first in everything we do.
I also see Jesus as my best friend. He knows me and loves me like no one ever has or ever will. I cannot get away from his love. It’s too furious! I cannot exhaust his supply. The more I give others, the more he gives me!
Let tears fill your eyes at this great thing he has done! Because of him, you have the victory! You have this same Resurrection power! Clap your hands and shout in triumph! Let hope rise in your heart as you celebrate this Easter and all of the days to come!
Giver of every breath I breathe, Maker of heaven and earth, all of nature will join with me in rejoicing,
John 3:16 amplified version
For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He gave up His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.