With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I would like to take a little time out to just stop and reflect on all of my many blessings and all of the things in this life that I have to be thankful for. We take so much for granted. It’s easy to be so busy climbing the ladder of success and doing all we can to get ahead and reach our goals, when there are countless blessings all around us that are already ours to enjoy. When I really think about it, everything that I hold most dear to my heart, I already have. The people and things that I value the most, no amount of money could buy. They are priceless; Things like our health, our families, our faith, beautiful nature, a sunset, a cool breeze, or that first snowflake that lands on our cheek, or the touch of our favorite furry pet, or the smell of our newborn grandbaby. God lavishes us with so many beautiful gifts each day. His faithfulness is new every morning.
I read something that touched my heart just the other day. It read like this: I once complained about not having a new pair of shoes that I wanted, until I saw a girl who had no feet. Let us count no day as ordinary, but instead, let us learn to enjoy the moment at hand, and find the miracle in each new day.
I am so thankful for my family and friends and the wonderful doctors who have helped and supported me through my cancer diagnosis. I am also thankful for a God who is full of compassion and mercy. He will never fail me or forsake me.
Go ahead. Throw another log on the fire, toast the eggnog, and enjoy that savory aroma of your Thanksgiving dinner, complete with turkey and all of the trimmings, including the mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and don’t forget the pumpkin pie; But before taking that first bite, don’t forget to bow your head and whisper a humble prayer of thanksgiving for a God who makes all things new, and blesses us with love and fullness of joy. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you.
Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.
The blessings of an ordinary day