Peace Be Still

It seems like the more we cry for peace, the harder it is to attain. Yes, there is a counterfeit peace full of empty promises, but we know this kind of peace is only temporary. With all the talk of the upcoming election, it’s anything but peace. With the click of every dial on TV and radio alike, we just can’t get away from it. Channel surfing doesn’t help, because no matter where you go, it’s there. They aren’t just talking about the election. One thing I’ve noticed is there’s a lot of hate going on from all sides. I know it’s serious business; something we should be in deep prayer about, but all this hate and lashing out at everyone is not solving a thing in my opinion. Yes, we should be informed and vote. But there comes a time, for our own peace and sanity, we would be better to turn it off for a time with one click. Now, that’s gratification!

Noise, noise, noise; how can we get away from it? It’s an upside down world these days. Shootings, flooding, death tolls, disease running rampant, hate crimes, fighting over whose lives matter most. How did we come so far in all this? STOP THE NOISE!!! Yes, there are all the question marks. Lord, how do we do this? How do we do this when the mountain is so big in front of us? How do we tune out the noise and hear your voice? What do we do when so many unexpected things keep happening? How do we explain them away, especially, to our innocent children? How do we come through all this turmoil, this chaos. How do we make it through these hardships and trials? I scream it out loud! GOD, I AM AFRAID!!!! BUT WAIT; FEAR DOESN’T HAVE TO HAVE THE LAST WORD!!!

What do I hear? As I pray and cry out to the King of the whole wide world, He walks right into my world full of the power and authority He has had from the beginning of time. He made everything that exists out of nothing, and yet, he loves us and desires our company more than anything. He is the answer to all of this mess! He is the Prince of Peace. I can hear His voice above the noise. He says to me, “Child, I love you. I hear you before you cry. I answer before you even ask. I am the solution to all of this and I am collecting your tears in a bottle. I know about each and every tear. In fact, I know how many hairs you have on your head. I am the answer to every unanswered question. What do you need today? I am your sure supply. I am faithful and I will bring my word to pass. What do you need? Do you need hope? I am your hope. Do you need faith? I am your faith. Do you need joy? I am your joy. Do you need peace? I am your peace. Do you need love? I am love, and perfect love casts out all fear.”

Find your quiet place, even when the storm is raging all around you. He is able to grab that mountain and cast it into the depths of the sea.

There must be a place of rest. A trust when we can’t see even when the mountain is so big. Don’t be afraid. He is with you. You don’t have to do it alone. He is your strength. No matter how loud the noise is all around you, if you turn your ears just right, you will hear His voice speaking to you above the noise. Be still and know that He is God. The waves and the winds still know His voice and they hearken to His every command. He will hide you in His secret place of the Most High God and He will cover you with His mighty hands. In His presence is peace, rest, love, joy, hope and anything else you will ever need!

Breathe in His peace today. His word is true and will never let you down. He is faithful and He holds His word above His name. Be still and know that He is God. His promises are all yes and amen. He promises peace to His children with the promise of each sunrise.

I love you guys,

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.

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