Fresh Manna For Today

Most of us are familiar with the story of the Israelites in the Old Testament. There are many lessons that we can learn from the Israelites as they crossed through the wilderness into their Promised Land. It wasn’t an easy journey. It was long, hot, and arduous. They started out good at first. They were so excited to leave the days of toiling and slavery in Egypt and could hardly wait to get to the Promised Land that Moses told them about. They witnessed, firsthand, all of the miracles that God performed right before their eyes. They never dreamed that it would be as difficult a journey as it turned out to be. They saw with their own eyes how God parted the Red Sea and led them safely through, while the Egyptians were killed as they chased after them.

But the days turned into weeks; the weeks turned into months and eventually years. They grew tired and weary and some of them lost their way and their very lives because of their bad attitudes and disobedience. They started grumbling and complaining. They began to doubt that Moses was right in leading them and they doubted God and His plan to deliver them from their bondages. There were times that they even wished they had never left Egypt. Can you imagine being so unhappy that they were willing to return to the bondages that God was trying to deliver them from? Their constant complaining and murmuring angered God and prolonged their journey even more. What should have taken eleven days ended up as a forty year journey through the rugged wilderness. And We think we have problems!

God provided them with everything that they needed. He provided fresh manna, the bread from heaven, for them for each new day for forty years. When they finally reached Canaan, their destination, the Promised land, the manna stopped, but not a day before. This also tells me that God met their every need. He even made water come from a rock to satisfy their thirst. He even manifested His very own presence with them everywhere they went. He led them by a pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to prove to them that He was still in control and to let them know that He was with them and bringing them safely through. He even met every need, because their clothes and shoes did not get worn out, and their feet never got a single blister.

Although, God got angry, as soon as they were sorry and repented, He forgave them.

As I think about it, we are so much like the Israelites today. We complain over the silliest things. We complain about the weather, the food we eat, our neighbors, family members, jobs, our country…. you name it; it’s so easy to get into a habit of complaining just to hear ourselves complain. Not only do we complain, but we worry. We fail to trust God. Sometimes the bondages that we find ourselves in are self inflicted. We cause so many of them ourselves; like overeating, overspending, gossiping, complaining, negativity, poor health choices and you name it, they are there!

But one thing that I have learned from this story is that our God is faithful. He loves us so much and He is always waiting with outstretched arms to take us back in, to forgive us and to give us yet another chance. He is our provider of every need. He wants us to take one day at a time as we rely on him for each day’s new strength. Just like he only gave the manna one day at a time, He says not to worry about tomorrow, but that He will provide everything we need as we face each new day. He will give us a fresh supply of strength every morning. As you lay down to sleep tonight, take off your cares with your clothes. Give them all to Him and just you wait and see! Your sleep will be sweet and tomorrow when you wake up, your strength will rise with the sun! If you hold on and do not become weary in well doing, God will manifest His presence to you, too, just like He did for the Israelites and there will not be a single need that He will not meet! He has a fresh supply of manna for you today. It’s called grace, mercy, peace, provision, comfort, forgiveness, salvation, and life itself! Your God is a generous God and He longs to shower you with heaven’s richest blessings!!!

Psalm 78: 24-25
He rained down manna upon them to eat and gave them food from heaven. Man did eat the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance.

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