Hey Beautiful Survivors!

Did you ever hear the saying, “Dream big?” Did you ever wonder what those words really mean, and how do they apply to your own life?

At some point, most of us have some dreams or goals that we would like to see happen, but somewhere, in the everyday struggles, it’s so easy to get sidetracked and get comfortable where we are in life. This is the time that many people put their dreams on hold and give up on them. But somewhere, buried under a mound of things labeled, “Everyday Life”, and “Things More Important”, there is a hint flicker of a flame, because that dream is still alive. How do you give birth to that dream? Am I talking to anyone today?

I’m not talking about just a passing thought to put on tomorrow’s to do list. I’m talking about that dream that God has placed deep in your heart.. You just know without a doubt, that you have to do it, if it takes the rest of your life. You will not rest until it is accomplished. It’s like a fire burning in you. It drives you day and night.

Your dream is yours alone. Each person’s dream is different, and every dream, given by God, is important, no matter what the size. Maybe you have a dream to start a business, become a nurse, write a book, get married, get healthy, or become the next President. When God planted that dream in your heart, He gave you everything you need to fulfill it. It may take some time, but never give up on your dreams! It’s usually during the long journey when we don’t see much happening that it’s easy to think that it will never happen and throw the towel in and quit. But Wait! I’m talking about that dream that you kept to yourself. You didn’t dare tell anyone else about it, for fear of being laughed at. That would diminish the hope that someday, just maybe, it would happen after all. When God speaks that dream into your heart in the middle of the night, you know, without a doubt, that He will help you see it through to completion.

I know when you are sick, or having problems of any kind, you are just trying to hold on to today. It’s during these times that it’s all the more important to keep hope alive. There will be a better day up ahead. It might not happen as fast as you would like, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. God has a bright future planned for you. If He didn’t, He wouldn’t have given you the dream in the first place. God always keeps His promises! You might think that your dreams are too big, but never forget, We have a BIG GOD!!! Take the limits off!! If He said it, it will come to pass! Keep dreaming. Keep believing and keep worshiping right on through to your victory!!

I love you guys!

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!
Luke 1:45

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